Geowatt Engineering


from all areas of geothermal energy and geothermal project planningierung

Large developments

Au Park
Wädenswil, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 101 BHE

Integra SQUARE
Wallisellen, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 45 BHE+ 20 BHE+ 18 BHE

Genf, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water/heat recovery | 16 BHE  + 25 BHE

Zürich, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water/solar regeneration/waste heat utilisation | 91 BHE

Dübendorf, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water/commercial refrigeration/waste heat utilisation | 25 BHE + 40 BHE

Green City
Zürich, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water/commercial refrigeration/waste heat utilisation | 215 BHE

Risch Rotkreuz, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 395 BHE

«Richti Areal»
Wallisellen, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 220 BHE

Andermatt Tourismus Resort
Andermatt, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 50 BHE

Science City, ETH Zürich
Zürich, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | ca. 7 x 100 BHE

Aga Khan University
Faculty of Art and Science Karachi, Pakistan | concept study Heating/cooling | 81 bis 250 BHE, groundwater use

Stadtspital Triemli
Zürich, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 90 BHE

Hotels/Congress Centres/Restoration

Golf Sempachersee
Hildisrieden, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water/commercial refrigeration | 20 BHE

Congress Centre «Einstein»
St. Gallen, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 74 BHE

«The Dolder Grand»
Zürich, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 70 BHE

Restaurant chain «Bikkuri Donkey, Aleph Inc.»
Morioka, Japan | Heating/cooling/hot water/dehumidification | 8 BHE

Commercial/Industrial/Energy Network

Energy Network Allmend
Uitikon, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 20 BHE

Energy Network Holzächer-Guet
Zürich, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/air heat exchanger | 90 BHE

Energy Network KEK
Küsnacht, Switzerland | Heating//waste heat | 35 BHE

Migros – Oberland Märt
Wetzikon, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water/waste heat | 150 BHE

«Kubus» Raichle + de Massari
Wetzikon, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 32 BHE+ 24 BHE

Halle logistique, Comité international de la Croix-Rouge
Genf, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 135 Energy piles

Überbauung Migros Teufen
Teufen, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 19 BHE

Gartencenter Dürnten
Dürnten, Switzerland | heating| 25 EWS

Production facility for food
Hungary | Concept study heating/cooling | 110 BHE

IKEA Zwischenlager
Marseille, France | Concept study heating | 270 to 390 BHE, Groundwater use

Textilfabrik Artifex
Focsani, Romania | Cooling | Groundwater use

Talstation Motta Naluns
Scuol, Switzerland | Heating | 12 BHE

Office buildings/schools/museums

Dübendorf, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/ | 144 BHE + 8 BHE

Kantonsschule Limmattal
Urdorf, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water/technical cooling | 40 BHE

HSG Learning Center
St. Gallen, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water/technical cooling/waste heat utilisation | 49 BHE + 16 BHE

Verwaltungsgebäude Guisanplatz
Bern, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/waste heat utilisation | 84 BHE + 596 energy piles

Schuanlage Buchlern
Zürich, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water/technical cooling/air heat exchanger | 19 BHE

Gemeinschaftszentrum Bachwiesen
Zürich, Switzerland | Heating/hot Water/technical cooling/solare regeneration | 8 BHE

Obergericht Kanton Zürich
Zürich, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 22 BHE

Raiffeisen Niederuzwil
Niederuzwil, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 38 BHE

Sammlung Oskar Reinhart
Winterthur, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 13 BHE

Verwaltungszentrum «Oberer Graben»
St. Gallen, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 5 BHE, 56 energy piles

Papierfabrik Fischer
St. Gallen, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 12 BHE

UBS Filiale Staad
Staad, Switzerland | cooling | 12 BHE

BMW Hauptsitz Schweiz
Dielsdorf, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 18 BHE

Bürogebäude «Pestalozzistrasse»
St.Gallen, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 10 BHE

Frauenfeld, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 15 BHE

Schulhaus Gachnang
Gachnang, Switzerland | Heating | 5 BHE

Schulhaus Puntrut - Porrentruy
Puntrut, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 6 BHE

Mehrfachturnhalle Pfäffikon
Pfäffikon (ZH), Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 12 BHE

Schulanlage «Lättenwiesen»
Opfikon, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 17 BHE


Waldhof – Lindenmatt
Rotkreuz, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 27 BHE

Bäriswil West
Selzach, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 12 BHE

Dübendorf, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 27 BHE

MD-Tex Rheinblick
Tägerwilen, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 28 BHE

Zürich, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 25 BHE

Mühli Hof
Killwangen, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 42 BHE

Luzern, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/bivalent | 21 BHE

Zürich, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 9 BHE

Rüti, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 6 BHE

Im Heuried
Zürich, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water/waste heat utilisation | 6 BHE

Hochdorf, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 9 BHE

Rotkreuz, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 34 BHE+ 28 BHE

Niederweningen, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 40 BHE

Zürich, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water | 16 BHE

Zürich, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/hot water/waste heat utilisation | 36 BHE

Alters- und Pflegeheim
Jenaz, Switzerland | Heating | 14 BHE

Überbauung Wolfswinkel
Zürich, Switzerland | Heating | 19 BHE

Residenz Golf-Panorama
Lipperswil, Switzerland | Heating/cooling | 12 BHE

Wohnüberbauung «Hädrich-Areal»
Zürich-Altstetten, Switzerland | Heating | 26 BHE

Wohnüberbauung «Langrüti»
Jona, Switzerland | Heating | 4 BHE

Private Villa
Schaan, Lichtenstein | Heating/cooling  | 14 BHE

Private Villa
Meggen, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/swimming pool | 3 BHE


Betriebsauswertung von regenerativen Erdwärmesondenanlagen
Project objective: Evaluation of the operating data of two regenerative borehole heat exchanger systems.
Client: Amt für Hochbauten der Stadt Zürich, Switzerland | 2020

Potenzialabschätzung Asphaltkollektoren
Project objective: Investigation of various asphalt collectors and geothermal probe fields.
Client: Baudirektion Kanton Zürich, Amt für Abfall, Wasser, Energie und Luft, Switzerland | 2019

Bewertung älterer Erdsonden in der Stadt Zürich
Project objective: Evaluation of previous borehole heat exchanger systems and long-term prognosis for the city of Zurich.
Client: Amt für Hochbauten der Stadt Zürich, Switzerland | 2018

Langzeiterfahrung mit Erdwärmesonden-Systemen in der Schweiz
Project objective: Recording and evaluation of long-term experience with borehole heat exchanger systems.
Client: Bundesamt für Energie, Switzerland | 2010

Innovative Improvements of Thermal Response Tests
Project objective: Evaluation of innovative methods for the assessment of thermal response tests.
Client: Bundesamt für Energie, Switzerland | 2008

GROUNDHIT (Ground-coupled Heat Pumps of Technology)
Project objective: Increase of cost efficiency and competitiveness, market expansion, system optimisation, product development.
Client: Coordination Action, 6. Framework Programme, European Union | 2005-2008

Dokumentation von Schadensfällen bei Erdwärmesonden
Project objective: Examples of common causes of damage, explanation of the necessary corrective measures, information on the professional planning and construction of borehole heat exchanger systems.
Client: Bundesamt für Energie, Switzerland | 2006

PC-Programm für die Berechnung geothermischer Eigenschaften der Schweizer Molasse (Tiefenbereich 0 – 500 m)
Project objective: To provide the geothermal properties thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity and density for typical rocks of the Swiss Molasse Basin (depth range 0-500m) in a database and a PC calculation program.
Client: Bundesamt für Energie, Switzerland | 2006


Mandate Heat flow map
Client: Swisstopo, Switzerland | 2017

Elaboration of SIA Standard 384/7 - Groundwater use
Client: Geothermie Schweiz, Switzerland | 2013–2015

Education and training module, mandate «Indirect promotion of geothermal energy in Switzerland»
Client: Geothermie Schweiz, Switzerland | 2002–2014

Statistics on geothermal uses in Switzerland
Client: Geothermie Schweiz, Switzerland | 2002–2014

Elaboration of SIA Standard 384/6 - Geothermal probes for heating and cooling
Client: Geothermie Schweiz, Switzerland | 2006–2009