Private Villa Schaan, Lichtenstein | Heating/cooling | 14 BHE
Private Villa Meggen, Switzerland | Heating/cooling/swimming pool | 3 BHE
Betriebsauswertung von regenerativen Erdwärmesondenanlagen Project objective: Evaluation of the operating data of two regenerative borehole heat exchanger systems. Client: Amt für Hochbauten der Stadt Zürich, Switzerland | 2020
Potenzialabschätzung Asphaltkollektoren Project objective: Investigation of various asphalt collectors and geothermal probe fields. Client: Baudirektion Kanton Zürich, Amt für Abfall, Wasser, Energie und Luft, Switzerland | 2019
Bewertung älterer Erdsonden in der Stadt Zürich Project objective: Evaluation of previous borehole heat exchanger systems and long-term prognosis for the city of Zurich. Client: Amt für Hochbauten der Stadt Zürich, Switzerland | 2018
Langzeiterfahrung mit Erdwärmesonden-Systemen in der Schweiz Project objective: Recording and evaluation of long-term experience with borehole heat exchanger systems. Client: Bundesamt für Energie, Switzerland | 2010
Innovative Improvements of Thermal Response Tests Project objective: Evaluation of innovative methods for the assessment of thermal response tests. Client: Bundesamt für Energie, Switzerland | 2008
GROUNDHIT (Ground-coupled Heat Pumps of Technology) Project objective: Increase of cost efficiency and competitiveness, market expansion, system optimisation, product development. Client: Coordination Action, 6. Framework Programme, European Union | 2005-2008
Dokumentation von Schadensfällen bei Erdwärmesonden Project objective: Examples of common causes of damage, explanation of the necessary corrective measures, information on the professional planning and construction of borehole heat exchanger systems. Client: Bundesamt für Energie, Switzerland | 2006
PC-Programm für die Berechnung geothermischer Eigenschaften der Schweizer Molasse (Tiefenbereich 0 – 500 m) Project objective: To provide the geothermal properties thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity and density for typical rocks of the Swiss Molasse Basin (depth range 0-500m) in a database and a PC calculation program. Client: Bundesamt für Energie, Switzerland | 2006